The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Japan Post wishes all of you a fantastic International Women in Engineering Day today, Friday, 23 June 2023.
Launched initially in the UK by the Women's Engineering Society (WES) as a national initiative, this celebration has grown year by year, and has since achieved a global reach and UNESCO patronage. The idea behind the day is to encourage all groups - governmental, educational, corporate, individuals and further organizations - to organize events to support the day and link them together for maximum impact.
The science of engineering has been responsible for a huge amount of development in the way that we live today. Huge strides in the engineering fields have given us the benefit of living easier lives, living in better homes, and using better means of transport – and that’s just to name a few developments. Although some may see engineering as being a male-dominated sector, International Women in Engineering Day reminds us that actually, it’s far from that. It is, in fact, a sector in which women are making some huge waves.
SAME encourages and promote the education, study, and application of engineering and other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs for all our members…and for our next generation of engineers. We celebrate all the women who strive ahead to lead us into tomorrow.
SAME sees no boundaries. We are not only Americans, but made up of many members from nations around the world. We are not just military, but also the civilians both in the government and in the private sector who support the military. And finally we are not just engineers, but architects, scientists, marketers, business executives, suppliers, and so many more that have an interest in our goals. And...we are made up of both men and women. We are all inclusive of all who support our mission to build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges.
So today, the SAME Japan Post takes a moment to support women and their fantastic achievements as engineers as well as many related and diverse career paths. We applaud their excellence in all fields.