Congratulations to the 2020 scholarship awardees!
SAME Japan Post recently awarded $10,000 in scholarships to high school students across Japan. $10,000(約1,000,000円)が10名の高校生に給付されました。
4 students at Kadena HS 沖縄嘉手納ハイスクール4名
3 students at Nile C Kinnick HS 横須賀キニックハイスクール3名
1 student at Robert D Edgren HS 三沢エドグレンハイスクール1名
1 student at MC Perry HS 岩国ペリーハイスクール1名
1 student Yokota HS 横田ハイスクール1名
If you are a high school student and/or know of one that will be pursuing college coursework related to STEM, please continue to check our website for 2021 scholarship application opening.
(Due to privacy concerns we cannot publish the names of the recipients.)